Friday, 8 May 2015

Task 6, Evaluation

Is it fit for purpose? 
Yes, I think it fit for its purpose as a digital brochure, it clearly advertises Pot Noodle and their products along with a short history too.

Are the media elements appropriate?
I think the media elements are appropriate because it contains pictures and few animations, in the updated version is could add in some original photos and videos.

Does it work without errors or broken links? 
Yes, my product does work without broken error and links.

Is it professional?
Currently I think it looks professional as it contains the companies products and logos.

Give at least 5 amendments you think the designer should make.

1. The product could contain more original photos and videos. 
2. The should be buttons to navigate the product.
3. The layout is very basic and could be changed to something better.
4. The information could be displayed more clearly.
5. The font should be different and easier to read.
(Written by Aiden Campbell)

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