Sunday, 15 March 2015


I have completely changed the layout of the design, instead of having 4 different pages containing their own information, i have made it so there is one page that gives a preview of what  they contain and you will be able to navigate between them by using the arrows on either side. Then to access more information, there will be a "Read More" button under most of the slabs of text leading to more detailed information.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Task 5 Legal requirements

All of these images are taken from different Blogs/Websites. To be able to use these images I would have to contact the person who, took the photos and uploaded them and ask for permission. Some of the images that i would use could be copyrighted by the owners, to use these i would have to ask for permission and in some cases i would have to pay to be able to use the images.