Friday, 21 March 2014

Task 8b, D2, Unit 30

File Format
The file format of an image.



Compression is used to reduce the size of the image with out losing quality. This is used to reduce the time it takes to load or send an image over the internet. When comressing an image, you set it to one od 5 different levels; Low, Medium, High, Very High and Maximum. Image compressing is mainly suited for JPEGs as you are given the option for the resolution.

Color Depth
Color depth is the number of bits used to indicate the colour of a single pixel in a bitmapped image. Then changing the coloir depth of an image the file size will also change depending on how good or bad the quality of the image is. Color depth is measured in the amount of colours in an image, this can range from 2 to 256 colours in a image, you can select the amount of colours in an image when saving it as a GIF.


 Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image. Resolution is sometimes identified by the width and height of the image as well as the total number of pixels in the image. It is measured be the pixels per inch (ppi) or Megapixles (MP). When an image has more pixels, this means it will be a better quality image but the file sixe will also increase as well. 

Print Resolution 300 ppi

Web Resolution - 72 ppi

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Task 7a, D1, Unit 30

Laser printers for leaflets and flyers
Laser printing is an electrostatic printing process that rapidly processes texts and graphics by passing a laser beam over a charged drum to define a deferentially charged image. Color laser printers use colored toner (dry ink), typically cyanmagenta,yellow, and black (CMYK). Laser orinting used to be a slow process but now offer high-speed printing and can be printed on both sides at one which means you can have a higher ppm rate making them more efficient and can now prints on A3 sized paper .but they do have their disadvantages, for example they do cost alot because you will need to replace the ink regualarly and that the ink soumetims come out still wet which means you may need to wait for it to dry. The print quality of these printers is limited by their resolution, which typically 600–1200 dpi.

Vinyl cutters and laser cutters for signage

Vinyl cutters are always used by signage businesses and are essential or sign making. They can also be used  to make banners and advertisements. An example of these would be on sky vans which show various TV shows that cover the vans. When vinyl cutters were first used they would have to use lots of different pieces of vinyl for different colors for the print and have been developed so they only need to use one piece of vinyl for a print. Computer designed vector images are put into the vinyl cutter by USB or serial cable and then are cut on the roll of vinyl which is put into the vinyl cutter. Vinyl cutters can also be used to cut shapes from cardboard. Vinyl cutters use vector images so htey dont use PPI resolution for images.

Inkjet and wide format printing for bitmap displays and posters

Inkjet and wide format printing is mostly used for bitmap displays such as banners, posters that are big enough for billboards or the size they are needed for. These printers have developed from only being able to print at certain sizes to being able to the edge of the paper. Wide format printers generally print between 17" and 100" and are usually used to print banners and posters. Wide format printers generally use a roll of print material instead of individual sheets and use hot-air dryers to stop them from sticking themselves as they are produced. For wide format printers the typical size for artwork should be around 300 Pixels Per Inch (PPI).

3D Printing 
3D printing is also known as desktop fabrication, it is a prototyping process where a real object is created from a 3D design and is the process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model. An example of this being used When General Motors started to build the 2014 Chevrolet Malibu, engineers at the company used 3D printing to save time required in prototyping the parts for the vehicle. There are many programs thet 3D designers can use to make parts ect. One of the simplest programs would be Google SketchUp . When using 3D printing software the files sizes vary on how big your object will be, usually the file will be very large and needs to be stored.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

P6, Task 6, Unit 30


Copyright is when someone creates a type of media which can be in the form of an image, video, software ect. and therefore are the owners and can decide on whether they would like their work to be copied or distributed. But if people want to do this need to get permission for the owner. This is to stop someone copying this idea and can be sold.


A trademark is a logo the defines and company or logo and protects the company or the product and and infringement on a trademark mean that company can sue them under the trademark law. An example of a trademark would be the Apple Logo.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property is the ownership of ideas, artwork, symbols and designs. There are 6 different types of Intellectual property; Patents, Copyright, Industrial design rights, Trademark, Trade Dress, and Trade Secrets. Intellectual property is any form of original creation that can be bought or sold.